Pulmonary Embolism at 25

Thursday, June 21, 2007

No needles

I can honestly say that no news has been good news. I went in for my INR check this week and officially hit 3.0. Hooray! It could be high due to the fact I am also on antibiotics for Strep B, but I am feeling pretty happy I finally reached a good, high INR level. My declared range is 2.0 to 3.0. I am looking forward to seeing if I can repeat this visit next month.

This was also my first official INR check without the vampires taking my blood. The clinic has implemented a 10 minute system involving a little finger prick and a little machine. Kind of like what diabetics use. I really like the system because I don't have to cringe at the thought of a hypodermic needle puncturing my flesh now. I can actually look forward to going to the clinic now. I just have to get over the cringe of paying my co-pay. It isn't much at all, but really adds up quick.

Since my last post, I am happy to report no more chest pains. The pain subsided completely within a week from my ER visit. I can attribute about 80% of the pain to stress at work. The more I talk to people my age about the incident, the more I realize that chest pains are a common side effect to stress. I wouldn't say I overreacted, but would say I was looking out for the best interest of myself. There is no saying what could happen more with a blood clotting factor.....heart attacks, strokes and clots oh my!

I asked the nurse at my last visit about a check-in with my Internal Medicine doctor. She informed me that my patient status was officially changed to "lifetime" and I do not have any need to visit my doctor. They advise a once a year check-in and indicated a genetic retest would not be worth my time or money. I will be setting up my appointment in December and asking again about a genetic retest. I honestly have reached the point of being practical and realizing that it is what it is and I am probably better off on this medicine any ways.

My body has acclimated to the drug pretty well now. I am still dealing with minor hair loss but can say that I did not gain any weight. I didn't lose weight...but at least I didn't gain! I have gotten some pretty awful, nasty bruises but they go away after few weeks. I have one on my leg right now from a stupid accident I had. It is the first bruise I have had that hurt so bad I couldn't even wipe it with my shower spongee. It is getting better though! It started as the most horrible shades of purple, blue and black and has evolved into a crazy mix of yellows and greens. Funny how a bruise could be so rainbow-like!


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